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Fraction-Decimal-Metric Size Conversion Chart

At BestBitsFor.com, we recognize the importance of having access to precise and comprehensive tools that aid in everyday tasks. Our Fraction-Decimal-Metric Size Conversion Chart is crafted to cater to a wide array of applications, offering seamless conversions between fractional, decimal, and metric sizes. This all-in-one tool is not limited to drilling; it’s perfect for general use across various industries and projects.

The Fraction-Decimal-Metric Size Conversion Chart is a vital resource for engineers, craftsmen, students, and DIY enthusiasts. It simplifies the process of converting between different measurement systems, providing instant clarity and eliminating potential errors. Whether you are working on a woodworking project that requires exact measurements or analyzing scientific data, this chart ensures you have the right values at your fingertips.

We’ve designed this conversion chart to be user-friendly and easily accessible. It’s a handy reference that can be used both in professional environments and at home. Bookmark this page or download the chart to have this indispensable tool available whenever you need it. Our commitment to providing quality resources continues to drive us to create tools like the Fraction-Decimal-Metric Size Conversion Chart, making your projects more efficient and your calculations more accurate.

  .001 .00004   4.064 .16   9.398 .37   14.7 .57874   20.0 .78740
  .01 .00039   4.1 .16142   9.4 .37008   14.732 .58   20.066 .79
  .025 .001   4.2 .16535   9.5 .37402   14.8 .58268   20.1 .79134
  .02 .00078   4.3 .16929 3/8″ 9.525 .375   14.9 .58661   20.2 .79527
  .03 .00118   4.318 .17   9.6 .37795   14.986 .59 51/64″ 20.2406 .79688
  .04 .00157 11/64″ 4.3656 .17188   9.652 .38   15.0 .59055   20.3 .79921
  .05 .00197   4.4 .17323   9.7 .38189 19/32″ 15.0812 .59375   20.320 .80
  .051 .002   4.5 .17717   9.8 .38583   15.1 .59449   20.4 .80315
  .06 .00236   4.572 .18   9.9 .38976   15.2 .59842   20.5 .80709
  .0635 .0025   4.6 .18110   9.906 .39   15.24 .60   20.574 .81
  .07 .00276   4.7 .18504 25/64″ 9.9219 .39063   15.3 .60236   20.6 .81102
  .075 .00295 3/16″ 4.7625 .1875   10.00 .39370   15.4 .60630 13/16″ 20.6375 .81250
  .0762 .003   4.8 .18898   10.1 .39764 39/64″ 15.4781 .60938   20.7 .81496
  .08 .00315   4.826 .19   10.16 .40   15.494 .61   20.8 .81890
  .09 .00354   4.9 .19291   10.2 .40157   15.5 .61024   20.828 .82
  .1 .00394   5.0 .19682   10.3 .40551   15.6 .61417   20.9 .82283
  .1016 .004   5.08 .2 13/32″ 10.3188 .40625   15.7 .61811   21.0 .82677
  .1270 .005   5.1 .20079   10.4 .40945   15.748 .62 53/64″ 21.0344 .82813
  .2 .00787 13/64″ 5.1594 .20313   10.414 .41   15.8 .62205   21.082 .83
  .25 .00984   5.2 .20472   10.5 .41339 5/8″ 15.875 .625   21.1 .83071
  .254 .01   5.3 .20866   10.6 .41732   15.9 .62598   21.2 .83464
  .3 .01181   5.344 .21   10.668 .42   16.0 .62992   21.3 .83858
1/64″ .3969 .01563   5.4 .21260   10.7 .42126   16.002 .63   21.336 .84
  .4 .01575   5.5 .21654 27/64″ 10.7156 .42188   16.1 .63386   21.4 .84252
  .5 .01969 7/32″ 5.5562 21875   10.8 .42520   16.2 .63779 27/32″ 21.4312 .84375
  .508 .02   5.588 .22   10.9 .42913   16.256 .64   21.5 .84646
  .6 .02362   5.6 .22047   10.992 .43 41/64″ 16.2719 .64063   21.590 .85
  .635 .025   5.7 .22441   11.0 .43307   16.3 .64173   21.6 .85039
  .7 .02756   5.8 .22835   11.1 .43701   16.4 .64567   21.7 .85433
  .75 .0295   5.842 .23 7/16″ 11.1125 .4375   16.5 .64961   21.8 .85827
  .762 .03   5.9 .23228   11.176 .44   16.510 .65 55/64″ 21.8281 .85938
1/32″ .7938 .03125 15/64″ 5.9531 .23438   11.2 .44094   16.6 .65354   21.844 .86
  .8 .0315   6.0 .23622   11.3 .44488 21/32″ 16.6688 .65625   21.9 .86220
  .9 .03543   6.096 .24   11.4 .44882   16.7 .65748   22.0 .86614
  1.0 .03937   6.1 024016   11.430 .45   16.764 .66   22.098 .87
  1.016 .04   6.2 .24409   11.5 .45276   16.8 .66142   22.1 .87008
  1.1 .04331   6.3 .24803 29/64″ 11.5094 .45313   16.9 .66535   22.2 .84701
3/64″ 1.191 .04687 1/4″ 6.35 .25   11.6 .45669   17.0 .66929 7/8″ 22.225 .875
  1.2 .04724   6.4 .25197   11.684 .46   17.018 .67   22.3 .87795
  1.25 .04921   6.5 .25591   11.7 .46063 43/64″ 17.0656 .67188   22.352 .88
  1.27 .05   6.6 .25984   11.8 .46457   17.1 .67323   22.4 .88189
  1.3 .05118   6.604 .26   11.9 046850   17.2 .67716   22.5 .88583
  1.4 .05512   6.7 .26378 15/32″ 11.9062 .46875   17.272 .68   22.6 .88976
  1.5 .05906 17/64″ 6.7469 .26563   11.938 .47   17.3 .68110   22.606 .89
  1.524 .06   6.8 .26772   12.0 .47244   17.4 .68504 57/64″ 22.6219 .89063
1/16″ 1.5875 .0625   6.858 .27   12.1 .47638 11/16″ 17.4625 .68750   27.7 .89370
  1.6 .06299   6.9 .27165   12.192 .48   17.5 .68898   22.8 .89764
  1.7 .06693   7.0 .27559   12.2 .48031   17.526 .69   22.860 .90
  1.778 .07   7.1 .27953   12.3 .48425   17.6 .69291   22.9 .90157
  1.8 .0709   7.112 .28 31/64″ 12.3031 .48438   17.7 .69685   23.0 .90551
  1.9 .0748 9/32″ 7.1438 .28125   12.4 .48819   17.78 .70 29/32″ 23.0188 .90625
  1.905 .075   7.2 .28346   12.446 .49   17.8 .70079   23.1 .90945
5/64″ 1.9844 .07813   7.3 .28740   12.5 .49213 45/64″ 17.8594 .70313   23.114 .91
  2.0 .07874   7.366 .29   12.6 .49606   17.9 .70472   23.2 .91338
  2.032 .08   7.4 .29134 1/2″ 12.7 .50   18.0 .70866   23.3 .91732
  2.1 .08268   7.5 .29528   12.8 .50394   18.034 .71   23.368 .92
  2.2 .08661 19/64″ 7.5406 .29688   12.9 .50787   18.1 .71260   23.4 .92126
  2.25 .08858   7.6 .29921   12.954 .51   18.2 .71653 59/64″ 23.4156 .92188
  2.286 .09   7.62 .30   13.0 .51181 23/32″ 18.2562 .71875   23.5 .92520
  2.3 .09055   7.7 .30315 33/64″ 13.0969 .51563   18.288 .72   23.6 .92913
3/32″ 2.3812 .09375   7.8 .30709   13.1 .51575   18.3 .72047   23.622 .93
  2.4 .09449   7.874 .31   13.2 .51968   18.4 .72441   23.7 .93307
  2.5 .09843   7.9 .31102   13.208 .52   18.5 .72835   23.8 .93701
  2.54 .1 5/16″ 7.9375 .3125   13.3 .52362   18.542 .73 15/16″ 23.8125 .93750
  2.6 .10236   8.0 .31496   13.4 .52756   18.6 .73228   23.876 .94
  2.7 .10630   8.1 .31890   13.462 .53 47/64″ 18.6531 .73438   23.9 .94094
  2.75 .10827   8.128 .32 17/32″ 13.4938 .53125   18.7 .73622   24.0 .94488
7/64″ 2.7781 .10937   8.2 .32283   13.5 .53150   18.796 .74   24.1 .94882
  2.794 .11   8.3 .32677   13.6 .53543   18.8 .74016   24.130 .95
  2.8 .11024 21/64″ 8.3344 .32813   13.7 .53937   18.9 .74409   24.2 .95275
  2.9 .11417   8.382 .33   13.716 .54   19.0 .74803 61/64″ 24.2094 .95313
  3.0 .11811   8.4 .33071   13.8 .54331 3/4″ 19.050 .75   24.3 .95669
  3.048 .12   8.5 .33465 35/64″ 13.8906 .54688   19.1 .75197   24.384 .96
  3.1 .1205   8.6 .33858   13.9 .54724   19.2 .75590   24.4 .96063
1/8″ 3.175 .125   8.636 .34   13.970 .55   19.3 .75984   24.5 .96457
  3.2 .12598   8.7 .34252   14.0 .55118   19.304 .76   24.6 .96850
  3.25 .12796 11/32″ 8.7312 .34375   14.1 .55512   19.4 .76378 31/32″ 24.6062 .96875
  3.3 .12992   8.8 .34646   14.2 .55905 49/64″ 19.4469 .76563   24.638 .97
  3.302 .13   8.89 .35   14.224 .56   19.5 .76772   24.7 .97244
  3.4 .13386   8.9 .35039 9/16″ 14.2875 .56250   19.558 .77   24.8 .97638
  3.5 .13780   9.0 .35433   14.3 .56299   19.6 .77165   24.892 .98
  3.556 .14   9.1 .35827   14.4 .56693   19.7 .77559   24.9 .98031
9/64″ 3.5719 .14063 23/64″ 9.1281 .35938   14.478 .57   19.8 .77953   25.0 .98425
  3.6 .14173   9.144 .36   14.5 .57087   19.812 .78 63/64″ 25.0031 .98438
  3.7 .14567   9.2 .36220   14.6 .57480 25/32″ 19.8438 .78125   25.1 .98819
  3.8 .14961   9.3 .36614 37/64″ 14.6844 .57813   19.9 .78346   25.146 .99
  3.810 .15 INCHES X 25.40 = MM

MM X 0.03937 = INCHES

  25.2 .99212
  3.9 .15354   25.3 .99606
5/32″ 3.9688 .15625 1″ 25.40 1.00000
  4.0 .15748      
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